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Do you want to run flatter lightweight board with less defects?
The ThermoZone station is an intelligent condensate handling system that enables near zero steam pressure in hot plate zones for flatter lightweight board.

How does it work?
The ThermoZone station collects condensate from the hot plates and uses motive pressure to move condensate to the condensate return line. It is scalable to serve one hot plate section or the entire double backer.

Visit us at booth 1101 at Corrugated Week to learn more

flatter lightweights

Flatter Lightweights

Enables lower hot plate steam pressures and temperatures for flatter lightweight board and a larger window of production

flatter lightweights

Dectects & Prevents Issues

Detects condensate flow issues before they become board defects, provides preventive maintenance alerts, and eliminates steam traps

flatter lightweights

Built Tough

Designed for corrugator environment with a guided wave radar level sensor, premium pneumatic valves, and protective panels

For more information contact us

Kadant Johnson LLC
805 Wood Street
Three Rivers, Michigan 49093
Phone: 269-278-1715
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